“You Only Live Once. Don’t waste your life on the pleasures of this world. Live your life for Jesus.”
Sermon Title: #YOLO
Sermon Text: HEBREWS 9:27
Sermon Series: #HASHTAG
Four universal certainties about life and death:
1. Everyone dies.
God didn’t design people to die but to live eternally.
We do not need to fear death because God cares for our deaths.
2. Everyone dies once.
Reincarnation is a lie, an illusion and a deception.
All the chances to have eternal life is given here and now in this earthly life.
3. Everyone dies at the appointed time.
God is sovereign in all matters of life and death.
Submit to his sovereignty because our Sovereign God is a good God!
4. Everyone who dies will be evaluated after death.
Each person must make a choice in this life, a choice that will determine his or her eternal destination.
Hell is the punishment for rejecting Christ.
#YOLO, Don’t waste your life on the pleasures of this world.
Live your life for Jesus.