Sermons on Worship (Page 8)
Ang Pagpasidungog Sa Dios
“Ang pagtahod ug pagpasidungog sa Dios magsugod gayud sa
kasing-kasing, paghimo kaniya nga labawng bililhon sa atong kasing-kasing, labaw sa tanan.”
The Burden of Success
“The best way and the only way to make our cross bearable is to embrace it, to accept it and decide everyday to carry it willingly and joyfully.”
From Setback To Comeback
“Whatever else we lose, we are rich if we have God. Whatever else we have, we are poor if we do not have the Lord.”
Pakigsandurot Sa Kaaway
“Ang Dios nahigugma kanato pag-ayo nga siya magpabilin nga matinud-anon.”
Pagbalos ug Maayo sa Dautan
“Ayaw balosi si bisan kinsa ug dautan sa dautan.”
View From The Cave
Praising God is a matter of obedience. And the test of obedience isn’t when you feel like obeying, but when you don’t.
Talan-awon Gikan Sa Kweba
“Ang paglangan sa Dios dili kinahanglan nagpasabot nga naglimod ang Dios.”
Envy: The Sin We Didn’t Know We Had
The way to overcome envy is to realize that whatever gifts we have comes from God, and whatever the other person has, also comes from God.
Kasina: Ang Sala Nga Wala Nato Hibalo-i Nga Naa Ta
Sermon Title: KASINA: ANG SALA NGA WALA NATO HIBALO-I NGA NAA TA Sermon Text: 1 SAMUEL 18:6-16 (ANG BIBLIA) Sermon Series: PIKAS BAHIN: PAGTUON SA KINABUHI NI DAVID By: PTR MATT MAHUSAY SR. Sermon Notes: 1 SAMUEL 18:6-16 (Ang Biblia) 6 Samtang namauli sila, human mapatay ni David ang Filistihanon, ang mga babaye nanggula gikan sa tanang siyudad sa Israel nga nag-awit ug nagsayaw aron sa pagsugat kang Hari Saul, uban ang mga gagmayng tambor, uban sa kalipay, uban sa mga awit sa mga…
Salvation (Part 2)
Our salvation is not based on our performance but on what Jesus has done for us.
Ang Kaluwasan (Ikaduhang Bahin)
Ang imong kinabuhing dayon nagsugod sa higayon nga misalig ka kang Hesus alang sa imong kaluwasan.
Who Rolled The Stone?
Sermon Title: WHO ROLLED THE STONE? Sermon Text: MATTHEW 28:1-10 (NIV) Guest Speaker: PTR TOM TRONO Sermon Notes: Matthew 28:1-10 NIV 1 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow.4 The…