Sermons on Life (Page 6)
Jesus (Part 2)
Jesus’ power towards us and his promises to us, are what they are because he is who he is! Sermon Title: JESUS (PART 1) Sermon Text: VARIOUS TEXTS Sermon Series: ICYMI: BACK TO BASICS By: PTR NIC SY Sermon Notes: HEBREWS 4:14-16 NIV 14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to…
Jesus (Part 1)
“Jesus’ power towards us and his promises to us, are what they are because he is who he is!”
God (Part 2)
The doctrine of the Trinity is at the heart of Christian theology. In other words, if there is no Trinity, there is no Christianity! Sermon Title: GOD (PART 2) Sermon Text: VARIOUS TEXTS Sermon Series: ICYMI: BACK TO BASICS By: PTR NIC SY Sermon Notes: Three “God is” statements:I. God is revealed.II. God is relational.III. God is a Trinity. I. GOD IS TRINITY A. Definition God is three in one – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is not three Gods, nor is he…
Ang Dios (Ikaduhang Bahin)
Ang Doctrina sa Trinidad dili makita sa bisan unsang bersikulo sa Bibliya, kini makita diha sa pagtuon sa tibuok Bibliya Sermon Title: ANG DIOS (IKADUHANG BAHIN) Sermon Text: NAGKALAIN-LAING TEKSTO Sermon Series: BALIK SA SUKARANAN By: PTR MATT MAHUSAY SR. Sermon Notes: I. Ang Dios GipadayagII. Ang Dios Relasyonal (Unang Bahin) III. Ang Dios Usa ka Trinidad A. Ania ang usa ka kahulugan B. Nganong tun-an ang Trinidad? “Sa dihang nagsugod ako sa pagtuon sa Bibliya sa nanlabayng katuigan, ang doctrina sa Trinidad ang…
The Bible (Part 2)
The Bible is not a destination; it’s a bridge to a better place. And that place is a relationship with Jesus.
Ang Bibliya (Unang Bahin)
“O sulayi ug makita ninyo nga ang Ginoo maayo! Bulahan ang tawo nga modangop kaniya!” – Salmo 34:8
Kristohanong Panlantaw Sa Kalibutan
“Ang pagkahibalo kun unsaon pag-apply ang Bibliya maoy usa sa mga tumong sa pagpalambo sa Kristohanong panglantaw sa kalibutan”
Hope For The Chosen
Ultimately in the sum of life, what matters will not be the choices that you have made, but the choice that Jesus made.
Paglaum Sa Mga Pinili
Aduna may mga pag-antus nga atong gibati, hinumdumi sa pag-ampo ang Dios namati.