Sermons by Nestor Sy (Page 9)

Senior Pastor

Love For A Lifetime

Marriage was not the government’s idea. It’s not even the church’s idea. Marriage is God’s idea.

Who Is Driving?

Surrender is the glad and voluntary acceptance that there is a God and it is not me.

Your Kingdom Come

When we pray “Your kingdom come,” we must of necessity also pray, “My kingdom go.” Sermon Title: YOUR KINGDOM COME Scripture Text: MATTHEW 6:10 Sermon Series: THE KING AND HIS KINGDOM Sermon Notes: MATTHEW 6:10 NIV 10 your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. A kingdom is someone’s sphere of control. PSALMS 47:2 NIV 2 How awesome is the LORD Most High, the great King over all the earth! 1 CHRONICLES 29:11-12 NIV 11 Yours, O…