We Are The Church
Being Transformed
Time stops for no one and no one can stop time. With time, change happens.
Called To Serve
We are saved to serve, healed to help, and blessed to be a blessing.
Marked By Love
We have to start with love. Love for God. Love for the brethren. If there is no love, there will be no sense of what matters. If there is no sense of what matters (right choices), there will be no reason for a life of integrity (right conduct). If there is no life of integrity, there will be no glorifying God. It all begins with love!
Don’t Just Go To Church!
Public worship is not an endurance contest. It is not business-as-usual. It is not a mundane trip, but a memorable experience with the living God.
Why Church?
The church will prevail. It is indestructible. It’s not going anywhere. Why? Because the builder, Christ, is stronger than the persecutor.