Sermons on Genesis (Page 3)
Detours and Disasters
God is still in the business of making good out of the mess!
Detours and Destinations
God is concerned with the destination just as much as he is concerned with what we become when we get there.
Detours and Deliverance
“When life is uncertain, don’t ever forget that God is PRO NOBIS. God is FOR US, and He knows what He is doing even when we don’t.”
Detours and Dungeons
It very well could be that the reason that God has you waiting is so that you will learn to trust Him.
Detours and Decisions
Just like Joseph, there are times when God needs to pull us, push us, prod us just to get us where He wants us to be. Regardless of the detours we’re in, God does not abandon us, instead He joins us in the detours to give us more of Himself.
Detours & Disappointments
Detours are often opportunities that God uses in our lives to chisel away things in us that needs to be removed– things that are not like Christ.
Called to Christ: Lessons from Enoch
The life of Enoch shows us that it is possible to walk distinctively with God even in an unbelieving generation.