Sermon Archive (Page 38)

The God of Our Seasons

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” –Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV)

Handle with care

Today’s sermon on our Social Faith series entitled, “Handle With Care” is now up on our website. Listen to our sister in Christ, Dani Tan as he talks about being good stewards and managers of what God has entrusted to us in the social media world.

Social Friendships

In a Social Media saturated culture, let’s put back technology where it belongs and place Christ back where He belongs. He is the STARTING point and the CENTER of it all. Our relationship with Him should be the first thing and He is what matters most.

Count It All Joy

When we go through fiery trials, we don’t just work our way out of it, but we worship our way through it.

Nothing Else Except For Your Glory

When we are too preoccupied by the ordinary things in life, when we are suffering, when we find it hard to worship, may we be reminded that it isn’t about what we do, but for whom we do it that brings the significance.

Loving in the Singular

We are to forgive one another, bear with one another, help one another and above all, love one another just as how Jesus expressed His love for us in the singular….ONE AT A TIME.

Changed: Called to Fruitfulness

But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.

Complete in Christ

We cannot let the difficulty of our circumstances, our status or our crisis define the faithfulness of God in our lives. Instead, let us have the confidence that He who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.

The Rise of the Wise Walker

“We need to not only read, but to study and meditate on God’s word, to know Him and understand what He wants us to do, to know and understand His will.” — Bro. Arnold Alo